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tv   ABC7 News at 9 on KOFY  KOFY  March 17, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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i've celebrated every american tradition...except one... spring break cancun yo!!!!!!!! try the all american jack and enter to win an all-american spring break for you and 10 of your friends. >> late word tonight that japanr tomorrow to cool over heating fuel rods. it has been a desperate effort to prevent a melt down at the fubing power plant. >> officials there are not saying why no further helicopter runs are planned. there are no obvious signs of
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progress at the plant. and there are conflicting reports about radiation levels. in the mean time the iaea says the nuclear situation remains very serious. power lines to the fukushima plant being reinstalled and the dead and missing from the earthquake and tsunami now total more than 15,000. so far 4 of the 6 reactor at the plant have seen fires, explosions, partial melt down. rising temperatures in the pool use to store spent nuclear fuel and damage to the structure, housing, reactor core. crisis all the way around. now the u.s. navy is racing to the rescuexd about to return and u.s. is flying in 5 giant pump from the navy base and deliver enormous amounts of water after helicopters sprayed water to no avail. martha tonight with the latest on this disaster. >> one expert told us it is
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like using a squirt begun to put out a forest fire. japanese fire truck using riot control water hoses to tackle red hot nuclear reactor. helicopters swooping overhead dropping bucket after bucket. every effort falling short. but here is the encouraging news. japanese plant operators have connected a new electric power line to the plant. this entire crisis began when the power was knocked out. if the japanese lift the switch for the critical water pump to cool the reactor don't work then it is american pump to the rescue. the pentagon has shipped high pressure pump but no u.s. personnel. once again the japanese will have workers willing to risk their lives operating them. today for the first time a close-up look at how dire things are. you can see reactor 3. charred and billowing steam. but look right there. reactor 4. you
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can see aw3 green structure. nw look at this old photo taken inside. same green structure above the critical fuel rod pool. now the wall blown out. one u.s. official telling us tonight this is close to a crisis situation. the water in the pool is desperately low. if there is any left at all. without water the rod will ignite and fill the sky with radioactive smoke. and at reactor 3 the fuel stored in its pool is likely on the verge of melting including plutonium which if it melts down could produce a highly dangerous toxic plume. also critical 5 foot thick concrete containment vessel is likely cabd cracked. it's aif the core melts down it pool up the bottom of the vessel and could seep out pour on the floor. devastating breach that means radioactive plume released. >> martha reporting.
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>> now to those living close to that stricken plant. this nursing home is just 15 miles away. buses will not come close enough to evacuate the patients but the doctors and nurses won't leave without them. the japanese government has ordered everyone within 12 miles of the fukushima plant to evacuate an told people up to 19 miles away to close the window and stay inside. shelter in place. but does closing the doors and window andñi staying indoor really protect you from nuclear accident? experts actually say yes. >> no. 1 it prevents you from breathing in gas and small radiation and protect from you being contaminated and thirdly it could offer some shielding from l radiation that is on the outside. >> and in tokyo last night darkness. this is the pl district where people are staying indoors after warnings about a radioactive cloud. this is what the scene normally looks like. like times square novrjt the sky line has the lights turned off to conserve
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limited resources of electricity. >> president obama went out of his way today to stlaes there is no need for alarm about radiation from japan reaching california. nonetheless u.s. is deploying radiation detector up and down the west coast. one professor put one up last nature and now cecelia l. >> when and if any radioactive particle from japan reach california this little plastic filter will tell scientist exactly what its floating in the air. it sits on the roof of the engineering department at uc berkeley. downstairs in the basement nuclear engineers monitor the readings around the clock. >> we want to tell the public and you and everyone l what radiationñi if there is any what level of radiation we have to deal with. >> scientist know the air if they find traces of isotope like this. it caused serious health damage after chernobyl.
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many experts say what is happening in japan is nowhere near that level of disaster. >> probably more than a 3 mile island but much less than a chernobyl. >>reporter: scientist don't expect any notable change in radiation level until tomorrow. any radioactive particle from japan has to travel more than 5100 miles to reach the bay area. transported here in a jet stream across the ocean. even if that happens they predict the levels lower than what people are exposed to on a daily basis this chart shows how much radiation we already live with. >> much less l fill than plane flight particularly to the clip ick and x-ray. that's much higher radiation you will be exposeed to there. epa radiation monitor may be more higf(áech than what is on uc berkeley roof top but they tell experts the same thing. this monitor is on top of the bay area air quality management district office in san francisco western addition.
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>> it sounds really scary. >>reporter: speaking at uc berkeley today the u.s. surgeon general tried to calm fear. >> no reason to be afraid right now because harm fl level based on the experts they are not headed in our direction. >>reporter: well scientist here will get the first results this evening but again they are not expected to say much. real result will dprom air measured tomorrow or the following day. that again is when and if those particle from japan hit the west coast. reporting in berkeley, abc 7 news. >> so far no planes or passengers entering the u.s. today tested positive for radiation at harmful levels. detector like this you are looking at already being used by u.s. customs and border protection and sfo and international airport across the country. passengers may not even be aware in fact that they are being monitored. >> well the nuclear disaster japan is raising new concerns about the california nuclear power supply especially diablo
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canyon plant. two years ago a fault was discovered just half mile from that reactor. now lawmakers want a safety review. here's political reporter mark matthews with the story. >> the diablo canyon nuclear power plant was initially designed to withstand major quake on the san andreas fault. that was the one scientist knew about in 1968 and 70 miles away. in 1971 the discovery of the offshore l fault forced redesign at diablo then two years ago scientist discovered another one. just half mile from the plant. >> it runs very close to the shoreline. that's why it is called the shoreline fault. >>reporter: thomas broker u.s. gs led the team that discovered the shoreline fault. >> it ends near or at cross by fault. we haven't really determined that precisely at this time. >> original estimate of the fault put the earthquake
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potential at maximum 7.5. pg&e seismologist petition the nrc to lower the number. >> in the 6.0to 6.5 region for maximum earthquake. >> director of the earthquake science center in menlo park doesn't agree with the company numbers. >> we would say it would still be capable of a magnitude 7.5 earthquake. >> nuclear regulatory commission says the seismologist will study pg&e projections. in the mean time san luis obispo state senator sam blakeslee calling on pg&e to withdraw the application to extend the life of the plant for another 20 years. pg&e says it is moving ahead with the license renewal and today white house briefing the chair of the nuclear regulatory commission was asked l diablo canyon sit on an earthquake fault. the answer was in direct. >> well, certainly with the plant in california they are designed to very robust seismic standard and for the ones on the coast they are also designed to deal with very significant tsunami.
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>> seismic structure in california is not the same as in japan. >> we have earthquake fault in california that are strike slip fault. move horizontal one plate against the next n.japan we see the result of sub dux fault one plate moving under the other which creates afternoon more or has the potential of creating much more severe earthquake. of course if that is offshore much greater chance of tsunami. in the newsroom, abc 7 news. >> one last item about japan. before we move on. san jose dozens gather for vigil to remember the victims of the earthquake. japan town community congress of san jose hosted the event and collected donations 100 percent of the proceeds will be donated to earthquake relief efforts in japan. l a. other news to bring you and we continue l there is much more to come in fact coming up. united nations
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takes action on libya and goes well beyond no fly zone. latest there. >> billing wave surfer at maverick. widow takes a moment >> billing wave surfer at maverick. widow takes a moment to remember. >> another storm coming in tomorrow and it is going to bring more than just rain and wind.i'll be back to detail it bring more than just rain and wind.i'll be back to detail it out coming up >> we know what the golden gate bridge looks like of course but >> we know what the golden gate bridge looks like of course but what does it sound l about later tonight. turning l about later tonight. turning the sound of the golden gate
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>> united nation approved resolution authorizing international military intervention in libya to
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protect the people there from harm. as john explains, this measure goes well beyond the no fly zone. >> world spoke without a single opposing voice. >> those in favor. >>reporter: after weeks of gadhafi air force pounding pro democracy fighters with long rebel stronghold now on the ropes the quantityed nation approved all necessary measures to protect libya civilian. that includes protecting rebel fighters begging for for weeks. >> security council has authorized the use of force pl including enforcement of a no fly zone. to protect civilians and civilian areas. >>reporter: u.s, you recollect kshing -- uk france will contribute asset. >> gadhafi understands blood and steel and so if we want to stand up to press the united states policy, stated policy
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ithaca dav i must go. >> now a race between gadhafi who wants to crush the rebel and opposition fighter backed by the world community. >> these are extraordinary time and unprecedented response by the international community. >>reporter: gadhafi son says with government forces pounding the city it's already too late. french officials indicated that action perhaps the bombing of libya government anti-aircraft position could begin within hours. >> we can not let these war amonger do this. >> one key question now is whether gadhafi will simply accept a no fly zone along with ban on libya as snets foreign country or whether to somewhat down the international planes. washington news. >> back her at home. oakland police still searching for the driver of a stolen car that broadside a vehicle and injured a mother and her 4 daughter whose were taken to the hospital today. you can see how hard the car was hit. youngest is two years old. but none of the injuries very glad to tell you isn't life threatening. happened late
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today at the intersection of 60 avenue and camden in east oak land. police went door to door looking for the suspect but still haven't found him last we herd. the vehicle he was driving was car jacked last week. >> the surfing community reacting tonight to the death of big wave surfer of hawaii. he died at maverick last night just off half moon bay. his friends say he lost his life doing what he loved. we have the report. >>reporter: about the surfer's wife is on the back of the jet ski making peace with the very water that took her husband's life. the friends and familyçó from hawaii gathered on the beach with flowers to pay tribute to the big wave surfer would was rising to the top of his sport. >> loved big surf. you could just tell by the way he rode wave. fearless and had the skill and ability. >>reporter: this video from the computer show his skill
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riding the wave he loved. people in the water on wednesday say the 35-year-old surfer from kauai was held down by a series of waves up to 40 feet high. >> just one of them is really hard to take. 2ç of them is going to put you at the edge then the third one we don't know how many but if you don't get to kilometer back to the surface eventually you will blackout and probably that's what happened. >>reporter: the only other surfer known to have died here at maverick was also from hawaii. mark foo in 1994. there is a large rock memorial at maverick where foo and already cy on etched in the sand with kelp and drift wood. he leaves behind his wife, 2 young daughters, and more admirers than he will ever know. kenny collins was the last person who see zion alive. >> huge smile. this jaint wave comes on. like got to go. smile whipped it and went. that was the last time i saw him. it's just like wow!
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engraved in my mind. smiling. took off and went and basically rode the way straight to heaven. >>reporter: in half man bay, abc 7 news. >> emotional scene there today as you can tell. sandy is her here. you are saying that the high surf advisory tomorrow. >> absolutely. the waves are expected to build as we head towards the next 24 to 48 hour hours. so dangerous waves. we are expecting heavy rain and wind tomorrow as well. >> get you outside. talk about the storm in just a moment. high definition emeryville camera. showing awe beautiful view. looking back towards san francisco. we do have clouds around. in san francisco. but no fog obscuring vibilitys. on 7 hd it's still raining in the north bay. very light showers reported in the north bay and look what is happening right around the mendocino county coast. lightning strike now. this is the beginning of what may be coming to the bay area. closer.
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santa rosa. ukiah are the ro rowing light showers. same thing for petaluma and novato. temperatures in the 40's. and the 50's. our highlights rain and wind friday. heavy at times. chance of thunderstorm thunderstorms. and it is going to be a stormy start to spring. not really going to feel like the seasons have changed once you look at my accu-weather 7 day forecast. here is the storm that is going to bring us the rain. new storm that arrives for friday. it does have moisture witness. has the cold air with it. all the right dynamic but it is just briefly going to bring us some heavy rain. so let me show you our computer animation. tomorrow morning the north bay at 5:00 o'clock. during the commute just starting to pick up some rain here. the rain starts to shift south east by the latter part of the morning. heavy rain starting to show up in the north bay here just ahead of the cold front. that's when you see south easterly winds picking up. gusting as high is we'll see some heavy rain natural early afternoon for the east bay.
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south bay. santa cruz mountains. 5:00 o'clock still wet. heading into the latter part of the evening. start to see some snow. light dust expected around mount hamilton. above 4000 foot elevation. numerous showers behind the front. friday night. so for getting away keep in mind it's sloppy. rainfall total in the north bay from 3 quarter tore inch and a half. up to inch and a half in the santa cruz mountains and everyone else pretty much under that amount heading into friday night. and this is of course going to mean the surf will get kicked up by the storm. already churning. waves already starting to build. right now 10 to 11 feet. high surf advisory tomorrow afternoon at 3 ochblingt continues until 9:00 p.m. saturday. west northwest swell up to 16 feet. watch out for minor coastal flooding and of course strong rip current right near the sea shore here. with the heavy rain expected not just here in the bay area but in the sacramento valley and mother lady saturated soil. they have issued a flood watch friday through sunday. rapid
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rise stream and creek possible and low lying flooding certainly a possibility there. heading even further to the east winter storm warning from 5:00 a.m. friday through 5:00 a.m. saturday. 2 to 3 feet of new snow expected above 7000 foot elevation. tonight temperatures in the 40's and by morning do look for some wet pavement particularly in the north bay. tomorrow afternoon it's umbrella weather for you. numbers in the 50's and 60's except at clear lake. monterey bay temperatures in the 60's and you need those umbrella for sure for your friday. hang on to the umbrella. you need them next 7 days. thunderstorms friday night into saturday. shower saturday. stormy sunday with the stronger system coming in. spring begins at 4:21 sunday. certainly isn't going to feel like it when you look at the extended forecast. most of next week. the work week possibly into the weekend. looking wet. >> kind of a bumper. >> it is active weather patter pattern. it ace pwirm. we need the moisture. >> we do. >> thanks very much.
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>> all right. well he has a lot of money. his own plane and tonight donald trump is threatening to use both to shake up the 2012 presidential race. that story just ahead. >> plus video game technology that could prevent the spread of disease. >> i recognize it's a mosquito and shoot it down. >> i recognize it's a mosquito and shoot it down. çooooñ=óó
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>> some business tonight. some people climbing the walls quite literally at shut down san jose night club. the business journal reports that touch stone climbing is taking over the old club wet on south first street. the club had a lot of trouble we reported some of it before including a new years eve fight where one woman attacked another with her stiletto heel. >> mission college this santa
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clara offers free course in health information technology on line offering made possible by federal stimulus money. 6 month program starts april fourth. >> developer of san jose access condominium tower being sued. the developer did not pay promised bonus for finishing the job early. details on all of these stories in tomorrow print edition of the silicon valley business journal. now health news. none of us like mosquitos but they are much more than a pest. dangerous and deadly. tonight bay area company that is providing technology to stop them in their track. carolyn johnson explains. >> in just a fraction of a second this mosquito is blasted out of the sky. even in the slow motion video provided by the developer the speed of the kill is something out of a video game. technically speaking that's not far off the mark. dan is senior vice president with santa clara base
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that makes graphic processing unit that power the intents 3d animation in today video games. but the chip known as g p u now do much more. >> evolved into a g p u used by a processor used in variety of different application where you have to interpret information or simulate information or synthesize information. >> from 3d image from hospital to facial recognition for homeland security. now a research company called intellectual venture fund entered part by microsoft founder gates turned to the g p touchl power a laser beam system to kill mosquitos. >> you have to recognize that it ace mosquito versus all the other bug that might be flying around. recognize it ace female mosquito then shoot it down. that recognition of trying to find that mosquito while flying around is done on the g p u. >> result? a so-called laser fence designed to protect homes or possibly entire villages from mosquitos. "star wars"like technology seems like over kill, consider that the real enemy is malaria.
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>> they are work to go get rid of it completely. >>reporter: richard is the director of global health science at uc sf and involved in the worldwide war on malari malaria. he knows malaria is still taking a staggering toll. >> it kills 1 million people every year. most of those are children and most of them live in after characterization current strategy using pesticide and specialize bed net control malaria in many areas but still present in at least 99 countries. >> fechbl inventor admit the laser system wouldn't be a complete solution, currently working to make it cheaper and easier to deploy in the third world. ultimately hoping to partner with a company to mass produce the technology for use worldwide. taking the make believe violence at the gameing world to the a real world enem enemy. >> health science reporter carolyn johnson with the story. the company says version of the mosquito fence could be mass proud and sold for as also
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as 50 dollars. relatively inexpensive solution to very serious problem. >> when we continues here tonight. stalemate in sacramento. state budget impasse deepening tonight over the threat of being called a traitor. >> billionaire donald trump once again sounding more and more like a candidate for president. >> part of the beauty of me of is that i'm very rich. so if i need 600 million i can put up 600 million myself. that's a huge advantage. >> and from free to fee. "new york times"unveil the plans to charge readers on the
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♪ let's see you fly now! [ laughs ] look, more frequent flyer red tape. not on my watch. let that family fly! [ tires screech ] i just wanted to use miles to take my family on vacation, but -- let me guess -- restrictions through the roof. that's right. not anymore. rapid rewards has your back. [ male announcer ] join rapid rewards and enjoy unlimited reward seats, no blackout dates, and no red tape. ♪
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are. >> good evening once again. we begin in sacramento where lawmakers are cutting and
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slashing billions out of the state budget. next question is whether republicans will go along with the governor's tax extension. there is a lot of push back about put that go plan on the june ballot. capitol correspondent reports. >> very difficult cut to make, members. >>reporter: as lawmakers plow through another 6 to receive billion dollars in budget cut it is clear the proposal for the govern's tax extension on june ballot one of the last bills considered. even some republicans find the spending cut hard to swallow. >> to me very simple. if you are not for cutting, you are not for giving people the rate to extend taxes, we mate as well have an empty seat. >>reporter: but for republicans voting for the tax extension on the ballot is a tough decision. last time republicans voted for taxes in 2009 a southern california radio station put their heads on a stick by web site. republican convention censored them. next convention is this
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weekend and there's a tea party resolution to label anyone who agrees to the special election as a traitor. influential conservative blogger flesh men says threats don't really carry that much weight. >> nobody gives the republican legislator enough credit. the reality is they are not voting for the taxes because taxes are bad policy. we are in a recession. >>reporter: but governor brown said the other day all the outside pressure is on republican lawmakers make it hard to negotiate. >> about when it becomes a situation in america where letting the people vote becomes an act of terrorism we are in a very serious situation. >>reporter: still a splinter group of 5 gop senators trying to get major government reform in exchange for the yes vote on the special election. move some republicans say is what the party should be about. >> if they negotiate to get reforms and solutions and choices on the ballot that present a wider perspective of the gop no traitor in my book. republican party needs to be more than a party of no.
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>>reporter: because of a new voter approved law, lawmakers pass budget now with just a simple majority with no republican votes. being used for the first time this year for many parts of this spending plan. republicans are fading democrat to use the method to call the special election. in sacramento, abc 7 news. >> newspaper have been struggling lately on how to proceed in the year ahead and "new york times"has unveiled the new digital subscription plan. expensive. complicated. and yes there is already a work around. starting on march 28 read 20 stories for free. then you have to pay up to 35 dollars a month for access. but if you get to the story by twitter or facebook, it is fre free. less than 12 hours after the times announced the pay wall somebody put up app free nyt. fee that will tweet all "the new york times"stories for free. >> well talk about getting better with time. last april
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the coupon site group on valued at 1.3 billion dollars and turned down an offer from going nell december for 6 billion dollars. well now bloomberg reports group on is in talk with banks about aneurysm p o, initial public offering that could put its worth at as much as 25 billion dollars. >> billionaire donald trump has flirted with the white house before. but those seemed more like practical joke than serious campaign. well this time he swears it is different even scheduling appearance ins new hampshire and other campaign states. he spoke to ashley ban field on loading on everything from president obama to his fellow contenders. >>reporter: in 10 years of covering donald trump and 2 election ins which he was considering a run for the white house, this time he says it's different. >> over the years a lot of people have asked me whether or not i was going to run. they wanted me to run. but i have never been so serious as i am now. >>reporter: to see how serious he its, we accompanied him on
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his private 727 and after behind the scenes tour of the luxury plane, one thing is clear. he certainly has the war chest to run. you put up 600 million for. >> absolutely doing well. >>reporter: do you have 600 million. >> much more than. that part of the beauty of me is that i'm very rich. so if i need 600 million i could put up sick00 million myself. that's a huge advantage. >>reporter: on the issues he's already taking a stand. like on libya colonel gadhafi. >> that's a holocaust. if we could surgically strike and stop that from happening, i would be for it. but not to get into a war. >>reporter: surgical strike on colonel gadhafi. >> on cal gadhafi. >>reporter: on piracy off the african coast. >> the country has never been so weak. even a thing like the pirates. they are nothing. they are nothing ashley. and they are taking over these huge 500 million dollar tankers. give me an admirable and couple of ships i would wipe them out
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of the sea so fast. >>reporter: he says this country biggest problem is other countries. like china. saudi arabia. and north korea and how they affect our econom economy. >> very interesting. while we spend billions of dollars a week on being the policeman for the world, china spending billions of dollars a day on taking over the world economically. not a good formula for us. >>reporter: and to that controversial question does he believe the president was born in the usa. >> everybody that even gives any hint of being a birth a word you didn't use, even a little hint like gee, maybe. just maybe. this much of a chance. they label them as an idiot. let me tell you i'm a really smart guy. i was a really good student. best school in the country. the reason i have a little doubt just a little is because he grew up and nobody knew him. when you interview people if i ever got the nomination if i ever decide to run, you may go back and enter view people from my kindergarten. they remember
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me. nobody ever comes forward or know who he is until later in his life. very strange. whole thing is very strange. >>reporter: we ran through the list of possible republican contender in true trump fashion he didn't mince words. mit romney. >> he doesn't seem to rest nature. >>reporter: tim. >> yovrng will captivate the voters. >>reporter: john hevrnl maichbility when you work for sobls as he has worked for barack obama you don't then leave and run against that person. it's very difficulties loyal. >>reporter: huck beat. i really like him. he's kind of a guy that maybe could really get some votes. >>reporter: sarah palin. >> she did fine as the governo governor. i think personally she made a tragic mistake when she left early. i think she's more qualified than barack obama was when he became president. >>reporter: beginning richlt i like him he joined my club in washington to be. very happy. they are all good men. but you need somebody that is going to beat barack obama. you need somebody that is going to knock
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out obama care. >>reporter: what about other leaders in the republican party like speaker john boehner. >> i don't like the crying. >> i spent my whole life chasing the american dream. >> i do not like it. i don't understand it. i really like him as a person. i think the crying is an emotional thing that frankly probably makes him a very nice man but i don't like to see tonight a leader. >>reporter: so would you redecorate the oval office. >> would it not be a priority believe me. my priority is to redecorate the united states. in other words, to get it going again because that's what we need. we need roads. we need infrastructure. we need things like other countries are doing with our money. >>reporter: never dull. ashley reporting. donald trump says if he doesn't clinch the republican nomination he may consider running as an independent. >> coming up here. turning the every day sound of the golden gate bridge into music. but for now sounds from today's st.
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patrick's day parade in new for now sounds from today's st. patrick's day parade in new york. country old [ male announcer ] the network. a living, breathing intelligence that's helping business rethink how to do business. in here, inventory can be taught to learn... ♪ in here, machines have a voice...
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♪ in here, medical history follows you... even when you're away from home. it's the at&t network -- a network of possibilities, creating and integrating solutions, helping business, and the rethink possible. but the savings account of a cave-man! hey sports fans check this out. [ beep ] oops, my bad. earn more with interestplus savings at that's new school banking, baby! ooh, 3-d! instead of earning bupkus, your savings could be earning three times the national average! three times more. go online to what's in your wallet? what's this do? [ beeping ]
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 >> crews started tunnel on the oakland side of the tunnel today. maibing marks major
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milestone for the project. work on the western side is expected to take longer because of rock conditions. more challenging. once the work finished 2 lanes ahead added to the tunnel. move that should significantly ease traffic. it will open to traffic by late 2013. not soon enough for commuters. >> well tonight you are being asked to help answer the question what does the golden gate bridge sound like? new musical composition in the work to celebrate the 75 anniversary of that landmark bridge. as arts entertainment reporter don sanchez smrairjs artist are looking for your input. >>reporter: we all know what the golden gate bridge looks like. but what does it sound like? plt orchestra commission oned a work that happened here every day. >> the real unique feature of the project is the fact that we
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are going into the community and asking people to contribute in their own way. >>reporter: sharing the idea on the golden gate facebook page. >> up load ideas, even video that might be incorporated into this the piece. >>reporter: composer inspired by that input and by sound being recorded. >> i have gotten sound of sea gull. sound of the traffic. by single. by single bell. >>reporter: and the pl elements he needs. >> rhythm of the tire as they go across the grate. bell sound is great. quon how they will be incorporated yet but yes go out and collected some more. >>reporter: it is an inspiration. finding music in every movement. every cable. every lane. and obviously every sound. the youth symphony improvised bridge sound. >> we play the fog sound sort of rolling repetitive chord which sounded sort of mystical.
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very uncertain. >>reporter: world premier made 2012 time to come together. part of the community celebration of the bridge 75 anniversary. opened in april 1937. this is like a tribute. >> when i cross it every day i think of the engineers. the human spirit. behind the design and the construction. the men that built it. >> expect is a majestic salute in music to one of the world great engineering marvel n.san francisco, 7 news. >> well, when we come back here tonight. about. >> knock knock. who is there? gi. gi who? gi was sure here. >> how they try to brighten the lives of our soldiers serving >> how they try to brighten the lives of our soldiers serving in harm's way.i'll be back versus toyota. which is better?
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[ male announcer ] why do so many car companies compare themselves to toyota? maybe it's because toyota has more hybrids on the road than all other automakers combined.
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like the 50-mpg-rated prius, the best selling hybrid in america. and prius was also named a best overall value of the year. plus, every new toyota comes with toyotacare, a complimentary maintenance plan with roadside assistance. we're #1 for a reason. come see for yourself. hurry in for the best selection. ♪
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>> well, say goodbye to the sun for awhile. sandy is back with the forecast. sandy. >> let me show you live doppler 7 hd and absolutely right. won't see the sun for awhile. here's what is happening very light showers in the north bay. but it is going to get heavy. tomorrow morning rain in the north bay. windy. noon time
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heavy rain and temperatures in the 50's by 4:00 p.m. breezy with showers. temperatures in the mid 50's to low 60's. the story doesn't end here. wet weather ahead as you look at my accu-weather 7 day forecast. thunderstorms possibility friday night into saturday. and it really remains wet through the weekend with a stronger storm hitting on sunday. spring officially arrives at 4:21 p and sure isn't requesting to look like spring. as a matter of fact look more like winter. monday tuesday showers we have rain on wednesday. and more showers on thursday. >> all right thanks. knock knock. >> who is there? >> thanks very much. >> no one really knows the exact history of the knock knock joke although we do know that shakespeare had a knock knock who is there line in mack beth. take that old joke is going to brand new places thanks to livermore school children. that story tonight from laura. >> knock knock? who is there?
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gi? gi who? gi i wish were you here. >> knock knock. >> who is there. bill. >> bill who. >> why are you crying? >> students at livermore elementary school here are on a mission. to make u.s. soldiers serving in iraq and afghanistan laugh. >> knock knock who is there. banana banana who is there. banana who is. orange. orange who orange you glad to get rid of all bat nana. >> what do you think will happen when he reads that. >> they will laugh. >> send joke to servicemen and women over sea was the brain child of first grader an jelly evans. >> we are going to send soldiers a joke because we want them to be happy. >> we were watching a commercial on tv. got teary about soldiers far away from home. he wanted to do something nice for them so decided to send a knock knock joke. >>reporter: soon the enthusiasim for writing knock
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knock jokes spread. to the entire school. all 700 students. >> it was really nice to see their enthusiasim. wanting to support our soldiers and giving them a laugh. >> i think giving them to this will make them really, really happy and make them and make them think of good things. because they get something in the mail it remind them of home. >>reporter: from here the knock knock jokes will be handed off to blue star mom who put them in care packages and send them to u.s. soldiers over seas. just one goal in mind. in livermore, laura anthony abc 7 news. >> adorable little girl. pretty cute stuff. all right. knock knock who is there, larry that's who. >> showing up angry. >> what's is new. >> we'll go with the flow. more head state moore head state who? the moore head state team that
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>> coming up tonight on 7 news at 11:00 o'clock. people are frantically leaving japan these kids are going back. celebration bay area send off for students returning to the unknown. effect of japan disaster on car prices here. even american brand not just the japanese variety. those story and more in one hour on abc 7 news at 11:00 over on channel 7. hope you can tune in for that. but march madness arrived and so has larry. >> big way. wall to wall games
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today. upsets. good stuff. tournament tipped off today. fans were asked 2 question which big upset will we see and what channel is true tv. nobody knows that. they are carrying a bunch of games as part of the new tv pack. xd louisville cardinal fourth seed in the south west region. 13 seed moore head state. close to within 2. harper. not going for the tie. going for the lead and the win. 62-61. moore head statement louisville in bounds. you make the call here. mike going up for the jump shot. rejected at the buzzer. contact. no call. game over. moore head state with upset just as head coach dreamed last night. >> during media time out coach said look ahead. i dreamed about this last night. he said i know exactly i'll put it right in your hand. i don't want to you drive into the hol hole. pull up and win the game off 3 pointer. he told me
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coach i'll hit the shot. >> we dream indeed. so 13 seed moore head state will meet 12 seed richmond in the round 32 spider guard kevin anderson. lighting it up against bandy. look at this up and under here. 25 points. with 8 seconds 11. bandy down 3. and can't even get a shot off. 69-66. spi spiders lives. they knock off bady. last year butt lever came within a whisker of winning the national championship. fade away late. butler had last second magic against old dominion. down 4. frank pump fake on houvrd. lace it in. finish with 20 points. monarch tie with pair of free throw. butler the final shot. shawn flips. throws it up in the air. deflected. and knocked in by howard at the buzzer. bull dog advance to play top seed pit 6 60-58. west regional action 10
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seed penn state trailing with less than 20 seconds left. taylor battle. 3. tied at 64. 23 for battle. final seconds. picks up the dribble. stranded. throws up a prayer that is answered with point left. inbound. the heavy hits the top of the score board. bottom of the score board really. temple advance. next up 2 seed san diego state. each region kentucky and princeton. that's neal young from preview of our sharks game coming up. fore shadow. we have ucla now playing. we are all over the map with our highlights here. i'm going to try to catch up with michigan state. let's two to the he said. 4.4 seconds left. lee makes the first free throw misses the second. here comes michigan state. lucas. might have traveled. desperation sho shot. got glass but nothing
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else. bruins survive but barely. 78-76. let's see what is happening next. boy a lot of neal young in the highlight highlights. st. john's and gonzaga here. my producer thought saint john was going to win this game and go to the final 4. and he knows nothing. carter had 26 points. gray had 16. red storm simply out played in the game. goodson at the hoop. gonzaga roll next up for them. let's see what comes up next. all right. cougar taking on tiny whopper. name the highlight. any way from way downtown. bang. finish with 32 points. off the steal. uncontested lay n.not convincing win for the cougar. but 3 seed byu moves on 74-66 over tiny law ford. all right. neal young coming up. sharks took the ice tonight without
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heatley. he has been suspended 2 gyms for throwing an elbow to the head monday night. shark wild in the tank. speaking of wild. perhaps you have seen him in the sportscast. neal young season ticket holder for the shark. logan pits on goal. ricochet off madden and over the shoulder of before nichola nicholas. high degree of difficulty here. 2-1 shark. minnesota ties it 2 minutes later. kyle hyped the defense. shoots it p.third period. power play. marlow from in close and cluster of bodies in front. 3-2 shark also. they are late in the third period there. talk about going all in on saint pats day. love the look. green hat beard got it going. 6 strong innings struck out 6 shut out into the seventh for allowing home run. speaking of that. fwol run home tore left. a's beat
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chicago. giants shut out the angels 4 nothing. sanchez tossed 6 scoreless frames struck out 5 and just for the occasion brian wilson, more neal young. >> very good. >> that was nice. brian wilson wore green spike for st. patrick's day. he was in the mood. >> not the beard though. >> pi didn't check. i didn't ask. >> i like the new approach to sports. sort of a here we go. >> random. >> fvl i'll do this highlight. >> nice job. rolling well. >> that thinks edition of 7 news at 9:00 on coffee tv 20. for all of us here, thanks for wachlingt happy saint patrick's day. leave you with some pictures from that oldest celebration in the country for saint pats day new york city. see you again over on channel 7 saint pats day new york city. see you again over on channel 7 at 11:00


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